Apapun yang menenteramkan hati kalian, itulah kebaikan;)

Inspiration Award, The 2nd


Three days ago, my lovely blogger friend, Ina, gave me an award. She said that my blog is her inspiration. I ask to my self “Really???”. In my oppinion, Ina’s blog exactly my inspiration. I got a lot of inspirations, knowledges and many others from hers:) Allright, to take this award, there are some rules I have to do. Here they are :

  • Make list of 10 bad habbits you don’t like,
  • Mention the reason of them,
  • Put the award in your page and share it to 10 blogger friends who never receive this award.

You see?? We have to write our 10 bad habbits. I have many bad habbit actually. I’ve tried to fix them up, but yeeah, that’s difficult to be istiqomah. Here they are :
1. Lazy, my worst habbit
2. Sometimes, I got difficulty to wake up from bed 
3. Dreamer, “cpd….” my friend said
4. I often stubborn, yaiks…..
5. Late to do something, fuih….
6. Poor in languages, bla…bla…bla…
7. Problem in Confidence
8. Forgetfull
9. Do something in hurry
10. Many others…….

I hope from the award, we can change our bad habbits with the good ones, especially for my self and you, my blogger friends. Finally, to complete the rules, I wanna share this award to :

1. Cah Ndeso
2. Fitri Alifah
3. Cahaya Nurani
4. Mbak Vit
5. Tika
6. Jeka
7. Mbak Ikha
8. Gusi Merah
9. Awal Sholeh
10. Mas Yudi

The last word, thank you Ina for your present, insya allah your present usefull for me and friends:)


hem,,, thankz maz Agoez...

beneran kok, blognya maz Agez tuh inspirasi buat ina, postingan2 maz Agoez tuh, keren2,..

eh eh,...
ketauan tuh sifat jeleknya,...
wekz :P

makasih banget mas Agoez.... keren award nya... aku ambil yaa.. tapi PR nya ntar dikerjainnya...

maturnuwun Mas...

Buat mbak mana Gus? hehehe... baru kenal, dah minta award.

Salam ukhuwah, semoga inspirasi teman2 semakin menambah kerasi untuk Agus. Insya Allah...

Selamat utk mas Agoez dan semua yang dapat award !!

terima kasih yo mas dapat award lagi saya dari temen... semoga persahabatan didunia maya ini semakin erat n terjaga. amien.

bahsa inhgris saya acak kadut mas. he3.... ini award diberi ketem lagi kah? saya dapat file html gambar award ada gak mas? he3...

@Mbak Anazkia, wuih af1 mbak, may b next time klo ada friend nitip award lagi, insya allah buat njenengan
@Ibu Reni, sama2 ibu, salam juga untuk ibu, af1, award terbarunya dah buat temen2 baru agoez3:)Ngapunten
@Awal Sholeh, Sama2 mas, amin, yah u/ html silakan mas awal unggah sendiri yah. Maap lho:)

Terima kasih semuanyaa:)

assalamu'alaikum,,, saya ambil yah mas agoez,,, terimakasih banget atas pemberiannya,,, semoga semakin menjalin tali sillaturrahmi kita. amien

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